The ORNL DAAC announces that data about atmospheric fluxes in the Arctic tundra are now available on-line.
The newly released data set "Arctic Tundra Flux Study in the Kuparuk River Basin (Alaska), 1994-1996" contains data about carbon dioxide and water vapor fluxes as well as ecosystem characteristics at 24 sites along a 317-km transect from the Arctic coast to the latitudinal tree line in Alaska. The sites were stratified to sample the ranges of climate, physiography, soil moisture, and vegetation type within the region. Flux measurements were collected for 1-2 weeks at the sites during the 1994-1996 growing seasons.
The data set was released under the auspices of the FLUXNET project. FLUXNET is a global network of micrometeorological tower sites that measure the exchanges of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and energy between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere.
To access the data set and its documentation, go to the FLUXNET project page and scroll down to the data set listing at the bottom.