The ORNL DAAC now offers data from EUROFLUX and AmeriFlux sites.
EUROFLUX was a 3-year project that collected measurements of fluxes of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and energy exchange at a variety of sites in Europe. Many of the EUROFLUX sites are now included as sites in the CARBOEUROFLUX project. The sites collectively represent the entire range in European climate, species distribution, and site conditions.
The AmeriFlux network collects long-term measurements of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and energy exchange for North America and South America.
Users can also obtain biological and flux data from 13 EUROFLUX sites. Presented in 363 separate Excel files, the data are available from the ORNL DAAC's FTP server.
For further information about EUROFLUX, visit
In addition, 100 years of "gap-filled" flux and meteorology data for 14 EUROFLUX and 17 AmeriFlux sites are available at Four algorithms developed by the FLUXNET community were used to provide estimates for fluxes for daily, weekly, monthly, and annual time periods. More sites and years are being added to this collection.
To learn more about flux measurements worldwide, visit the revised FLUXNET Web site maintained by the ORNL DAAC. The site now provides a search capability to display information for sites, parameters, and cross-site tabulations.