The ORNL DAAC is pleased to announce the release of the data set Global Gridded Soil Phosphorus Distribution Maps at 0.5-degree Resolution prepared by X. Yang, W.M. Post, P.E. Thornton, and A. Jain.
This data set provides estimates of different forms of naturally occurring soil phosphorus (P) including labile inorganic P, organic P, occluded P, secondary mineral P, apatite P, and total P on a global scale at 0.5-degree resolution. The data were assembled from chronosequence information and global spatial databases to develop a map of total soil P and the distribution among mineral bound, labile, organic, occluded, and secondary P forms in soils. Data were nominally for the pre-industrial period ca. 1850.
The ORNL DAAC is one of twelve NASA-funded Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) and is responsible for archiving and distributing terrestrial ecology and biogeochemical dynamics data.