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LBA Data Sets Released

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The ORNL DAAC and the LBA DIS announce the release of five data sets associated with the LBA-ECO component of the Large Scale Biosphere- Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA).

  • LBA-ECO LC-07 Lake Sediment Nutrient Data, Lago Calado, Brazil: 1982-1984. Data set prepared by L.K. Smith, J.M. Melack, and D.E. Hammond. This data set reports lake sediment texture and porosity, carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) content of surficial sediments, 210Pb-derived nutrient accumulation rates in sediments, and burial rates of C, N, and P in sediments at eleven locations in Lake Calado, Amazonas, Brazil. Field samples were collected between February 1982 and August 1984.
  • LBA-ECO LC-07 Monthly Mean Flooded Wetlands Habitat, Central Amazon Basin: 1979-1996. Data set prepared by J.M. Melack, L.L. Hess, M. Gastil, B.R. Forsberg, S.K. Hamilton, I.B.T. Lima, and E.M.L.M. Novo. This data set reports monthly mean inundation areas for four cover classes of Central Amazon wetlands habitat: Open water (OW), river channel (RC) class, macrophyte (MA) class, and a flooded forest (FF) class. Inundation was also calculated from three subsets covering only the Amazon/Solimoes River mainstem, and the Eastern and Western halves of the mainstem area.
  • LBA-ECO LC-07 Monthly Inundated Areas, Amazon, Orinoco and Pantanal Basins: 1978-1987. Data set prepared by S.K. Hamilton, S.J. Sippel, and J.M. Melack. This data set reports the monthly record of inundated area for six floodplain and open water regions in South America. The following floodplains were analyzed: (1) mainstem Amazon River floodplain in Brazil; (2) Llanos de Mojos (Beni and Mamore rivers) in Bolivia; (3) Bananal Island (Araguaia River) in Brazil; (4) Roraima savannas (Branco and Rupununi rivers) in Brazil and Guyana; (5) Llanos del Orinoco (Apure and Meta rivers) in Venezuela and Colombia; and (6) Pantanal wetland (Paraguay River) in Brazil. Inundated area was determined from SMMR (Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer) passive microwave data. Area estimates include permanent open water as well as land subject to seasonal inundation.
  • LBA-ECO LC-07 Methane Releases from two Amazon HydroReservoirs, Brazil: 2000-2001. Data set prepared by I.B.T. Lima. This data set reports methane (CH4) fluxes at the water–air interface and concentrations and isotopic signals of CH4 in the bubbles stirred up from the sediment in Tucurui and Samuel reservoirs. Tucurui (deep) reservoir is located near Belem city in the Tocantins-Araguaia basin in the eastern Amazon. Samuel (shallow) reservoir is situated near Porto Velho city in the Jamari River, a tributary of the Madeira River in the western Amazon.
  • LBA-ECO LC-04 Macrohydrological Routing Data for the Amazon and Tocantins River Basins. Data set prepared by M.H. Costa, C.H.C. Oliveira, R.G. Andrade, T.R. Bustamante, F.A. Silva, and M.T. Coe. This data set provides continental-scale hydrological river flow routing parameter data for the Amazon and Tocantins River basins at 5 minute (~9 km) resolution. Data are included for river network (flow direction), sinuosity of each of the main rivers, depth to the water table, transmissivity of the aquifer, time series of monthly mean river discharge, and the long-term climatology (monthly mean) for the period of record at each of 122 fluviometric stations located throughout the basin.

LBA is an international research initiative under the leadership of Brazil. The project focuses on the climatological, ecological, biogeochemical, and hydrological functions of Amazonia; the impact of land use change on these functions; and the interactions between Amazonia and the Earth system. The LBA-ECO component, which is funded by NASA, focuses on the question: "How do tropical forest conversion, regrowth, and selective logging influence carbon storage, nutrient dynamics, trace gas fluxes, and the prospect for sustainable land use in Amazonia?"

See the LBA Project page for further information about the study and to access associated data and documentation maintained by the ORNL DAAC.

The ORNL DAAC is a NASA-funded data center archiving and distributing terrestrial ecology and biogeochemical dynamics data. The LBA Data and Information System (LBA-DIS) has been developed by INPE with NASA's participation.