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LBA Data Sets from Three Nutrient Dynamics Teams Released

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The ORNL DAAC and the LBA DIS announce the release of four data sets from Nutrient Dynamics teams, a component of the LBA-ECO Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA).

  • LBA-ECO ND-02 Cation Leaching from Forest and Pasture Soils, Para, Brazil. Data set prepared by D. Markewitz, E.A. Davidson, R.D.O. Figueiredo, P.R. Moutinho and D.C. Nepstad. This data set provides a time series of calcium, magnesium, and potassium extracted from soil samples from a laboratory column extraction study conducted in 2002. The soils were from various land uses and were originally collected in 1998 from Fazenda Vitoria, a cattle ranch 6 km north of the town of Paragominas, Para, Brazil.
  • LBA-ECO ND-03 Forest and Pasture Watershed Hydrochemistry, Rondonia, Brazil . Data set prepared by C. Neill, A.V. Krusche, H. Elsenbeer, S. Germer, S.G. Neto, J.E. Chaves. This data set provides water chemistry data from streams, wells, rainwater, and canopy throughfall samples collected from forest and pasture watersheds, from the Rancho Grande in the Brazilian state of Rondonia. Samples were collected during one entire rainy season starting in August 2004 and ending in April 2005.
  • LBA-ECO ND-04 Termite Mound and Soil Characterization, Amazonas, Brazil: 1999-2001 . Data set prepared by I. Ackerman. This data set reports results of a comprehensive study of mound building termites at the Embrapa Research Station, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. Study areas included a primary forest site, an adjacent 7-8 year old secondary forest site, and two abandoned pasture sites which were being used for agroforest purposes. Data reported include termite species occurrence, areal abundance of mounds and mound soil properties, as well as data on soil properties adjacent to the mounds.

LBA is an international research initiative under the leadership of Brazil. The project focuses on the climatological, ecological, biogeochemical, and hydrological functions of Amazonia; the impact of land use change on these functions; and the interactions between Amazonia and the Earth system. The LBA-ECO component, which is funded by NASA, focuses on the question: "How do tropical forest conversion, regrowth, and selective logging influence carbon storage, nutrient dynamics, trace gas fluxes, and the prospect for sustainable land use in Amazonia?"

See the LBA Project page for further information about the study and to access associated data and documentation maintained by the ORNL DAAC.

The ORNL DAAC is a NASA-funded data center archiving and distributing terrestrial ecology and biogeochemical dynamics data. The LBA Data and Information System (LBA-DIS) has been developed by INPE with NASA's participation.