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LBA-ECO DECAF Model Output Data Set Published

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The ORNL DAAC announces the publication of the model output data product, Deforestation Carbon Flux (DECAF), from the LBA Land Use-Land Cover science theme.

LBA-ECO LC-39 Modeled Carbon Flux from Deforestation, Mato Grosso, Brazil: 2000-2006. Data set prepared by D.C. Morton, R.S. DeFries, G.R. van der Werf, and L. Giglio. This data set contains modeled estimates of carbon flux, biomass, and annual burning emissions across the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso from 2000-2006. The model, DEforestation CArbon Flux (DECAF), was used to provide annual carbon fluxes from large deforestation events (>25 ha) based on post-deforestation land use, and the frequency and duration of active fires during the deforestation process. Carbon fluxes associated with the conversion of Cerrado to mechanized crop production, fires in Cerrado, and managed pasture cover types were also estimated. Modeled data outputs and data inputs are provided with this data set.

LBA was an international research initiative under the leadership of Brazil. The project focused on the climatological, ecological, biogeochemical, and hydrological functions of Amazonia; the impact of land use change on these functions; and the interactions between Amazonia and the Earth system. The LBA-ECO component, which was funded by NASA, focused on the question: "How do tropical forest conversion, regrowth, and selective logging influence carbon storage, nutrient dynamics, trace gas fluxes, and the prospect for sustainable land use in Amazonia? "

The ORNL DAAC is a NASA-funded data center archiving and distributing terrestrial ecology and biogeochemical dynamics data.