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Search for Publications

Submitted by ORNL DAAC Staff on

The ORNL DAAC has expanded its searchable bibliographic database so that users can locate publications related to a wide range of data sets in its archive.

Projects such as FLUXNET, BOREAS, BOREAS Follow-On, SAFARI 2000, LBA, Net Primary Productivity, and VEMAP are represented, along with Climate, Soil, and Vegetation collections, among others.

The database contains bibliographic entries for more than 7200 publications that are directly or indirectly related to specific research projects and their general topics. It includes entries for publications that users have sent to the ORNL DAAC.

Users can search for entries project by project, or they can search the entire series of projects at once.

To access the bibliographic database, look for "Bibliographic Search" under "Services" on the ORNL DAAC Web page. Or access the bibliographic search page directly (http://www.daac.ornl.gov/bibliography_search.html).