This data set provides measurements for soil physical and chemical properties, rooting depth and weight, leaf area index (LAI), plant area index (PAI), biomass, fraction of photosynthetically active radiation (fPAR), and ground-based reflectance measurements of soil and litter samples. The samples were collected from 23 areas within the Brazilian research sites of the Brasilia National Park (BNP) and Aguas Emnendadas Ecological Station (AE), Brasilia; Cangacu Research Center, Tocantins; and Tapajos National Forest, Para.
LBA was an international research initiative under the leadership of Brazil. The project focused on the climatological, ecological, biogeochemical, and hydrological functions of Amazonia; the impact of land use change on these functions; and the interactions between Amazonia and the Earth system. The LBA-ECO component, which was funded by NASA, focused on the question: "How do tropical forest conversion, regrowth, and selective logging influence carbon storage, nutrient dynamics, trace gas fluxes, and the prospect for sustainable land use in Amazonia? "
To view complete documentation and access the data, visit the data set Web page at
Data Acknowledgements
- Data authors: A.R. Huete, L. Ferreira, and T. Miura
- Data center: ORNL DAAC (
- Sponsor: NASA EOSDIS (
- Data Set DOI: