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Zobler Global Soil

Submitted by ORNL DAAC Staff on

The soil data at the ORNL DAAC are used primarily as site characteristics for terrestrial biogeochemistry models. The goal is to have data sets that contain the following variables:

  • soil depth, depth to bedrock or water table, depth to permafrost, profile description, texture (sand, silt, clay, rock), bulk density, cation exchange capacity, aluminum content, thermal and hydraulic conductivity, C, N (NH4, NO3 )content, N mineralization, N fixation, denitrification, pH, and temperature.
These soil data should be either point or gridded, at spatial scales ranging from regional to continental to global.

The ORNL DAAC currently distributes the Worldwide Organic Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Data and has recently made available the Zobler Global Soil Data.