CMS: Aboveground Biomass from Penobscot Experimental Forest, Maine, 2012
This data set includes estimates of aboveground biomass (AGB) in 2012 from the Penobscot Experimental Forest (PEF) in Bradley, Maine. The AGB was modeled using LiDAR data gathered with the LiDAR Hyperspectral & Thermal Imager (G-LiHT) operated by Goddard Space Flight Center and field inventory data from 604 permanent Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) plots within the PEF. The estimates were produced through a novel modeling approach that accommodates temporal misalignment between field measurements and remotely sensed data by including multiple time-indexed measurements at plot locations to estimate changes in AGB.
Data Acknowledgements
Babcock, C., A.O. Finley, B.D. Cook, A. Weiskittel, and C.W. Woodall.
Data Set DOI:
Data center: ORNL DAAC