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Airborne and Field Data Workshop Scheduled for March 29-30

Submitted by ORNL DAAC Staff on 2022-01-25
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Image showing airborne and field research activities
Image Media

Snapshots from select NASA field and airborne campaigns.

The purpose of this workshop is to gather information from stakeholders to improve the usability of NASA airborne and related field data. The first day of the workshop will focus on input from data users, and the second day will focus on input from data producers. 

The workshop format will include some brief plenary speakers, who will highlight their perspectives on what's working well and opportunities for improvement; panel discussions; and breakout sessions involving all workshop participants. All participants will also have the ability to provide written input prior to the workshop.

This workshop is being organized by NASA's Earth Science Data Systems Program (ESDS), particularly the Airborne Data Management Group (ADMG) and the Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project.

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