ORNL DAAC Learning Resources
The ORNL DAAC has organized helpful, web-based content into a searchable learning page
to aid users of NASA’s Earthdata archive. Tutorials and guidance are provided for a wide
range of ORNL DAAC data topics including:
- Data access methods and subsetting through THREDDS, OPeNDAP, specialized web-based tools and services, and visualizers for NASA’s Airborne campaigns such as AirMOSS
- Working examples of using and analyzing data in popular software packages such as R, Python, and MATLAB
- Automation of downloads for popular NASA Earthdata such as MODIS Land Products Subsets and Daymet daily gridded weather data
- Tutorials and webinars specific to opening and analyzing ORNL DAAC datasets or file formats
(eg. Daymet and Opening and Visualizing netCDF)
Data Center: ORNL DAAC