On June 12, 2017, following NASA’s plan of action, a mandatory upgrade of the Spatial Data Access Tool (SDAT) and THREDDS Data Server, including the web services (e.g. OGC WCS/WMS, OPeNDAP, and NetCDF Subset Service) they offer, will occur updating from HTTP to HTTPS only. We encourage users to visit SDAT, THREDDS, and their web services directly through HTTPS. Requests received through HTTP will be automatically redirected to HTTPS. For the majority of SDAT and THREDDS users, this redirect will be seamless and transparent. However, scripts, services, and tools that do not recognize such an automatic redirect will be affected and need to be updated. Please plan accordingly and feel free to contact the ORNL DAAC if you need any help.
Visit https://daac.ornl.gov/spatial_data_access.shtml for more information about SDAT.
Visit https://daac.ornl.gov/thredds.shtml for more information about THREDDS.
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Visit the SDAT or THREDDS home page for more information.