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We want your feedback!

Submitted by ORNL DAAC Staff on
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ORNL DAAC staff would like your feedback
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ORNL DAAC staff with an EOSDIS representative at the 2015 UWG Meeting at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

The ORNL DAAC's User Working Group (UWG) is an external advisory group established by the Earth Observing System Data Information System (EOSDIS). This group assists in defining science goals, providing oversight and guidance on our activities and the development of value-added products, along with annual and long term planning.

The ORNL DAAC also recognizes that our user community has a similar and equally important role in guiding our activities. Your feedback, questions, and suggestions provide critical help in growing and adapting to better serve you.

We welcome these user interactions and encourage users to please contact us using the blue "Feedback" tab on all of our web pages.

"How can we better serve your needs?"

ORNL DAAC staff would like your feedback