The ORNL DAAC recently released a new Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) dataset by Virkkala, A-M., et al. (2021):
The ABCflux Database: Arctic-Boreal CO2 Flux and Site Environmental Data, 1989-2020
This Arctic-Boreal CO2 fluxes (ABCflux) dataset contains monthly aggregates of terrestrial net ecosystem CO2 exchange and its derived partitioned component fluxes: gross primary productivity (GPP) and ecosystem respiration. Over 70 supporting variables describe key site conditions (e.g., vegetation and disturbance type), micrometeorological and environmental measurements (e.g., air and soil temperatures), and flux measurement techniques. The data contained in this ABCflux dataset form a standardized monthly database of Arctic-Boreal CO2 fluxes and include 244 sites and 6,309 monthly observations representing tundra boreal biomes. The data are for the period 1989 to 2020.
The ABoVE is a NASA Terrestrial Ecology Program field campaign being conducted in Alaska and western Canada, for 8 to 10 years, starting in 2015. Research for ABoVE links field-based, process-level studies with geospatial data products derived from airborne and satellite sensors, providing a foundation for improving the analysis, and modeling capabilities needed to understand and predict ecosystem responses to, and societal implications of, climate change in the Arctic and Boreal regions.
Additional data from ABoVE and other relevant links can be found on the ORNL DAAC's ABoVE Project Page.
Citation: Virkkala, A-M., S. Natali, B.M. Rogers, J.D. Watts, K. Savage, S.J. Connon, M.E. Mauritz-tozer, E.A.G. Schuur, D.L. Peter, C. Minions, J. Nojeim, R. Commane, C.A. Emmerton, M. Goeckede, M. Helbig, D. Holl, H. Iwata, H. Kobayashi, P. Kolari, E. Lopez-blanco, M.E. Marushchak, M. Mastepanov, L. Merbold, M. Peichl, O. Sonnentag, T. Sachs, M. Ueyama, C. Voigt, M. Aurela, J. Boike, G. Celis, N. Chae, T. Christensen, S. Bret-Harte, S. Dengel, H. Dolman, C. Edgar, B. Elberling, S.E. Euskirchen, A. Grelle, J. Hatakka, E.R. Humphreys, J. Jaerveoja, A. Kotani, L. Kutzbach, T. Laurila, A. Lohila, I. Mammarella, Y. Matsuura, G. Meyer, M.B. Nilsson, S.F. Oberbauer, S.J. Park, F.J.W. Parmentier, R. Petrov, A.S. Prokushkin, S. Zyrianov, C. Schulze, V.L. St.louis, E.S. Tuittila, J.P. Tuovinen, W. Quinton, A. Varlagin, D. Zona, and V.I. Zyryanov. 2021. The ABCflux Database: Arctic-Boreal CO2 Flux and Site Environmental Data, 1989-2020. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.