Pre-ABoVE: Arctic Vegetation Plots, Oumalik, Alaska, 1983-1985
This data set provides environmental, soil, and vegetation data collected between 1983 and 1985 from 87 study plots near an abandoned test oil well in Oumalik, Alaska. Specific attributes include dominant vegetation, species, and cover, soil chemistry, physical characteristics, moisture, and organic matter, as well as site disturbance from various sources. The vegetation sampling sites were chosen to represent the full range of vegetation in the area with replication, and for uniformity in floristic composition and environmental conditions.
Data Citation
Ebersole, J.J., and D.A. Walker. 2017. Pre-ABoVE: Arctic Vegetation Plots, Oumalik, Alaska, 1983-1985. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.
Data center: ORNL DAAC