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Global Carbon Fluxes from Livestock

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Total livestock methane emissions in 2011
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Total livestock methane emissions in 2011, downscaled to 0.05 x 0.05 degree resolution, for the globe (figure from Wolf et al. 2017).

CMS: Global Carbon Fluxes Associated with Livestock Feed and Emissions, 2000-2013

This data set provides global annual carbon flux estimates, at 0.05-degree resolution, associated with livestock feed, intake, manure, manure management, respiration, and enteric fermentation, summed over all livestock types. These fluxes can be summed across multiple grid cells to obtain totals for any given areas. These flux estimates were based on livestock populations reported by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA NASS), on coefficients provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and on additional coefficients developed by the authors.

Data Citation
Wolf, J., G. Asrar, and T.O. West. 2017. CMS: Global Carbon Fluxes Associated with Livestock Feed and Emissions, 2000-2013. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. http://dx.doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1329

Data Center: ORNL DAAC

Total livestock methane emissions in 2011