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GPP Derived from Improved Light Use Efficiency Model

Submitted by ORNL DAAC Staff on
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Gross primary productivity via light use efficiency equation.
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Global monthly gross primary productivity (GPP) of biomass for December 2016.

Global Monthly GPP from an Improved Light Use Efficiency Model, 1982-2016

This new dataset provides global monthly average gross primary productivity (GPP) modeled at 8 km spatial resolution for each of 35 years from 1982-2016. The GPP estimates are based on the well-known Monteith light use efficiency (LUE) equation, but were improved with optimized spatially and temporally explicit LUE values derived from selected FLUXNET tower site data. Optimized LUE was extrapolated to a consistent 8 km resolution global grid using multiple explanatory variables representing climatic, landscape, and vegetation factors influencing LUE and GPP. Global gridded long-term daily GPP was derived using the optimized LUE, Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies (GIMMS3g) canopy fraction of photosynthetically active radiation (FPAR), and Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2, (MERRA-2) meteorological information. These data will improve satellite-based estimation and understanding of GPP using a refined LUE model framework.

Data Citation: Madani, N., and N.C. Parazoo. 2020. Global Monthly GPP from an Improved Light Use Efficiency Model, 1982-2016. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1789