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Merged Atmospheric CO2, CH4, and Meteorological Data, 2017

Submitted by ORNL DAAC Staff on 2023-02-23
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A map showing the ground tracks for the airborne campaign with a table summarizing each flight.
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A map showing the ground tracks for the airborne campaign with a table summarizing each flight. The colors in the table match those shown in the ground tracks. Image is from the related dataset Abshire et al. (2022).

The ORNL DAAC recently released a new Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) dataset by Abshire, J.B., et al. (2023):

ABoVE/ASCENDS: Merged Atmospheric CO2, CH4, and Meteorological Data, 2017

This dataset provides in situ airborne measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), water vapor concentrations, air temperature, pressure, and wind speed and direction as well as airborne remote sensing measurements of column average CO2 collected during Active Sensing of CO2 Emissions over Nights, Days, and Seasons (ASCENDS) deployments from 2017-07-20 to 2017-08-08 over Alaska, US, and the Yukon and Northwest Territories of Canada. CO2 and CH4 were measured with NASA's Atmospheric Vertical Observations of CO2 in the Earth's Troposphere (AVOCET) instrument. Water vapor and relative humidity were measured with Diode Laser Hydrometer. Measurements were taken onboard a DC-8 aircraft. The ASCENDS flights were coordinated with the 2017 Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) campaign. The data are provided in ICARTT format along with an archive of flight videos.

The ABoVE is a NASA Terrestrial Ecology Program field campaign being conducted in Alaska and western Canada, for 8 to 10 years, starting in 2015. Research for ABoVE links field-based, process-level studies with geospatial data products derived from airborne and satellite sensors, providing a foundation for improving the analysis, and modeling capabilities needed to understand and predict ecosystem responses to, and societal implications of, climate change in the Arctic and Boreal regions.

Additional data from ABoVE and other relevant links can be found on the ORNL DAAC's ABoVE Project Page.

Citations: Abshire, J.B., J. Mao, H. Riris, S.R. Kawa, and X. Sun. 2022. ABoVE/ASCENDS: Merged Atmospheric CO2, CH4, and Meteorological Data, 2017. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/2114

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