The ORNL DAAC announces the addition of global annual soil respiration data to its holdings on the physical and chemical properties of soils.
VEMAP Phase 2 Daily Data Available
The ORNL DAAC has released two data sets with daily climate values from Phase 2 of the Vegetation/Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis Project (VEMAP).
NPP Data Release
The ORNL DAAC is now distributing the final data products from the 6-year Net Primary Productivity (NPP) project, which documented field measurements of biomass dynamics and estimated NPP for terrestrial sites worldwide.
Guidance for Data Providers
Are you planning to submit data to the ORNL DAAC to be archived and distributed to others? If so, we suggest that you look at our guidance on data management practices.
Southern African Data on CD-ROM
The ORNL DAAC has released a CD-ROM volume containing recent and historical environmental data from SAFARI 2000, the Southern African Regional Science Initiative.
Leaf Area Index Data Available
The ORNL DAAC announces the availability of a global data set containing approximately 1000 estimates of leaf area index (LAI) for a variety of biomes and land cover types.
BOREAS Follow-On Release
The ORNL DAAC announces the release of 26 data sets from the BOREAS (Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study) Follow-On project.
European and American Flux Data
The ORNL DAAC now offers data from EUROFLUX and AmeriFlux sites.
PROVE Data and Images Released
Data and images are now available from the Prototype Validation Exercise (PROVE), a field campaign conducted in May 1997 at the Jornada Experimental Range near Las Cruces, New Mexico.