The ORNL DAAC now offers seven additional data sets prepared for the Southern African Regional Science Initiative ("SAFARI 2000"). The data sets mainly pertain to soils but also include atmospheric and climate data.
Land Validation Data in Mercury
Mercury, a Web-based search system at the ORNL DAAC, provides a window into land validation data from around the world. The data are primarily collected at field sites for comparison with satellite-derived products.
RGD Data in Mercury
Over 130 data sets related to regional and global biogeochemical dynamics can now be located and acquired through the Mercury metadata search system at the ORNL DAAC. Thirty-five data sets were added in the past 3 months.
Southern African Data Release
The ORNL DAAC announces that 10 additional data sets prepared for the Southern African Regional Science Initiative ("SAFARI 2000") and their documentation are available on-line. The data were earlier released on CD-ROM.
New Southern African Data On-Line
Six additional data sets prepared for the Southern African Regional Science Initiative ("SAFARI 2000") are now available on-line from the ORNL DAAC, along with their documentation. The data were earlier released on CD-ROM.
Arctic Flux Data Available
The ORNL DAAC announces that data about atmospheric fluxes in the Arctic tundra are now available on-line.
Southern African Data On-Line
Three data sets from the Southern African Regional Science Initiative (known as "SAFARI 2000") are now accessible from the ORNL DAAC Web site.
Revised VEMAP 1 Soil Data Set
The ORNL DAAC announces that soil data from Phase 1 of the Vegetation/Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis Project (VEMAP) have been revised. Data providers corrected some water holding capacity (WHC) files in the data set entitled "VEMAP 1: U.S. Soil."
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Global Climate Data in GIS Formats
ORNL DAAC has re-released a key climatology data set in two additional formats especially suitable for geographic information system (GIS) users.