An on-the-ground inventory of trees provides detailed biophysical data on tropical forests in Paragominas, Brazil.
MODIS NDVI for the conterminous US
Vegetation "greenness" measured by MODIS NDVI for years 2000 - 2013 can be used a proxy for terrestrial productivity.
Forest plant traits, NPP, biomass, and soil properties for the Pacific Northwest
Comprehensive measurements of leaf, tree, and soil characteristics from forests in Oregon and Northern California are now available.
Cold-season emissions of methane in the Arctic
A new CARVE data set shows the importance of cold-season emissions in the Arctic methane budget.
Yaxing Wei to receive 2015 WDS Data Stewardship Award
Dr. Yaxing Wei, Geospatial Information Scientist at the ORNL DAAC, has been recognized for his work.
Burned but not forgotten
Decades after a fire, high-elevation forests still shape the climate.
Status of the world's forests
New maps provide a high-resolution view of the global area covered by forest, forest growing stock, and biomass for the past 60 years.
Soil CO2 Efflux and Properties
Soil CO2 efflux and properties data for Baja California, Mexico are now archived at the ORNL DAAC.
Russian Boreal Forest Disturbance Maps from Landsat Imagery Published
Disturbance maps at 30-m resolution for selected sites across Northern Eurasia are now available in a new data set.
Daymet website to upgrade to https
The Daymet website will update from http to https on 2015-11-19, following NASA’s plan of action.