Dr. Laura Bourgeau-Chavez uses NASA Earthdata for studying wetlands and wildfire.
Sensing Our Planet: California Carbon
Radiocarbon and satellite data hint at the future of California emissions.
Saharan Dust and Puerto Rico Drought
New research uses the long-term record of daily precipitation from Daymet to examine the role of Saharan dust in Puerto Rico's 2015 drought.
Tree Mortality Due to Disturbance
A new dataset quantifies the biomass of trees killed by fires and bark beetles across the western US.
Wildfires in Canada's Northwest Territories
How accurate are Daymet data?
Daymet cross-validation data allow for goodness-of-fit estimates at individual weather stations across North America.
MODIS Collection 6 Global Subsetting Tool
The ORNL DAAC's new and improved MODIS Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool now includes MODIS Collection 6 land products.
Mangrove Forests in East Africa
New data from NASA's Carbon Monitoring System describe carbon-dense mangrove ecosystems.
How FIFE & BOREAS changed the world
Scientists involved in the FIFE and BOREAS projects celebrate the 20+ year legacy of these groundbreaking experiments.
Soil Moisture Visualizer
The ORNL DAAC'S Soil Moisture Visualizer offers numerous soil moisture data sets via a single graphical interface.