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LiDAR, Tapajos National Forest, Brazil

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Footprints from each of the surveyed areas within Tapajos National Forest in Para, Brazil are included in TAP_A_footprints.shp. The Km67 and Km83 eddy flux towers (AmeriFlux Sites BR-Sa1 and BR-Sa3) are within the surveyed areas.


A new dataset provides LiDAR point clouds and digital terrain models (DTM) from surveys over the Tapajos National Forest, Brazil during 2008.

Aboveground biomass in Sonoma County

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Estimated aboveground biomass (Mg/ha) for Sonoma County at 30-m spatial resolution using the random forest method. Zoom-in figure is a subset near Santa Rosa, the largest city in California's North Coast.


High-resolution estimates of aboveground biomass, canopy height, and percent tree cover are available for Sonoma County, California, USA.


Ecosystem Effects of Boreal Forest Fires

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Maps of derived metrics aggregated to 1 degree for (a) crown scorch, (b) vegetation combustion, and (c) total relative tree mortality (from Rogers et al., 2015, Supplementary Figure 4).


A new data set characterizes the immediate and longer-term ecosystem changes from fires in the boreal forests of Northern Eurasia and North America.

Vegetation on Arctic Pingos

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A typical pingo, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. This feature is 7 m high and has a basal diameter of 110 m (from Walker, 1990).


A pingo is a mound of earth-covered ice found in the Arctic. A new data set provides vegetation data on 41 pingos in the North Slope of Alaska.


Tree mortality due to fires and bark beetles

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Cumulative tree mortality due to (a) fires and (b) bark beetles from 2003-2012 on forestland in the western United States (from Berner et al., 2017, in review).


Wildfire and bark beetles caused tree mortality, and decreased carbon storage, in areas of the western USA from 2003-2012.

Is the snow melting earlier?

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Mean snowmelt Day of Year (DOY) for the years 2001-2015 for North America. The DOY values for snowmelt timing were identified by observing the transition from snow-cover to no-snow for individual MODIS pixels throughout the annual melt period.


A new time-series analysis of snow cover has identified the day of snowmelt in each MODIS pixel across North America in each year from 2001 - 2015.