Ranson et al. used MODIS data to map tree cover at the Earth's longest vegetation transition zone.
ORNL DAAC User Working Group
The ORNL DAAC User Working Group met at Goddard Space Flight Center on May 23rd - 25th, 2016.
Tracking changes in Arctic Permafrost
The warming of permafrost soils is expected to increase methane and carbon dioxide emissions.
Burned but not forgotten
Decades after a fire, high-elevation forests still shape the climate.
Cities, traffic, and CO2
Nine Steps to Sharing Your Environmental Data Set
Careful data management is key when you plan to share your data with others. Here are 9 simple steps researchers can to follow make your data set ready to share.
Subsetting and Visualization Tools for MODIS Land Products
Subset and visualize MODIS collection 5 land products using the MODIS fixed sites and Web service tools.
Connecting the Drops
Do we have enough water to meet our needs, now and in the future? Daymet, a meteorological data product at the ORNL DAAC, may help find the answer.
Tracking land-use changes in tropical forests
MODIS satellite data inform study of human land use patterns and changes in ecological communities in tropical forests around the world.
Modeling past and future land use
A comprehensive, harmonized data set describing the annual land use patterns of the globe from the year 1500 to the present, and projections to the year 2100, is now available from the ORNL DAAC.