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Global gridded information on lake surface area and open water CH4 emissions for an annual climatology representative of the average conditions from 2003 to 2015.
Daymet V4 2021 Data Recently Released
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Calendar year 2021 data are now available in Daymet Version 4 datasets.
Northern Boreal Ground-based Observation of Carbon Dynamics
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Ground-based column-averaged dry mole fractions of CO2, CO, CH4, and N2O to supplement satellite-based observations.
Daymet V4 2020 Data Recently Released
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2020 data are now available for all Daymet Version 4 datasets.
Wolf Denning Phenology and Reproduction in ABoVE Core Domain, 2000-2017
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Eighteen years of annual gray wolf (Canis lupus) denning spatial information and timing across within the NASA ABoVE Core Domain recently published.
Daymet Developer Remains Among Web of Science's Most Highly Cited
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For the third consecutive year, Dr. Peter Thornton has been recognized for exceptional research.
High-Resolution Sub-Daily Climate Driver Data for Western US
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High-resolution climate data inputs are now available for 11 states in the western U.S.
Daymet Supports Species Distribution Research
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Daymet data were used to investigate how bird species respond to extreme weather conditions throughout eastern North America.
PACE Applications Workshop September 23-24, 2020
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Registration is now open for the first NASA Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem Mission (PACE) Applications Virtual Workshop.
Recent NASA Article Highlights Daymet
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Daymet derived annual average of daily minimum temperature, 1980 (left) and 2019 (right), for a subset of North America. Images are scaled from -20 to +20 degrees C.