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Global-Gridded Daily Methane Emissions Climatology, 2003-2015

Submitted by ORNL DAAC Staff on 2023-03-24
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a) Lake area density (fraction of cell area) and b) ecoclimatic lake type classification. White space indicates cells with no lakes present.

Global gridded information on lake surface area and open water CH4 emissions for an annual climatology representative of the average conditions from 2003 to 2015.

Wolf Denning Phenology and Reproduction in ABoVE Core Domain, 2000-2017

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Spatial distribution of eight wolf study populations used in an assessment (from 2000-2017) of denning phenology in response to climate signals. The base map shows the day of the year representing the NDVI-derived start of the growing season in 2010. 

Eighteen years of annual gray wolf (Canis lupus) denning spatial information and timing across within the NASA ABoVE Core Domain recently published.

Daymet Developer Remains Among Web of Science's Most Highly Cited

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Dr. Peter Thornton studies the interactions of land ecosystems with other components of the Earth's climate system including biogeochemical and physical land-atmosphere feedbacks, and interactions with human systems. 

For the third consecutive year, Dr. Peter Thornton has been recognized for exceptional research.

High-Resolution Sub-Daily Climate Driver Data for Western US

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Four variables for the same 3-hour timestep, December 8, 2015, 12:00 AM to 3:00 AM, a) precipitation flux (kg m-2 s-1) b) air temperature (K) c) shortwave radiation flux (W m-2) d) specific humidity. Source: western_USA_precipitation_3hr_2015-12.nc4

High-resolution climate data inputs are now available for 11 states in the western U.S.

Recent NASA Article Highlights Daymet

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Each black dot on this digital elevation map (DEM) represents a surface weather station in continental North America providing Daymet data in 2010. Additional stations providing Daymet data are located in Puerto Rico and Hawaii.


Daymet derived annual average of daily minimum temperature, 1980 (left) and 2019 (right), for a subset of North America. Images are scaled from -20 to +20 degrees C.