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This dataset provides 30 m gridded estimates of aboveground biomass density (AGBD), forest canopy height, and tree canopy coverage for the New England Region of the USA for 2015.
Relative Tidal Marsh Elevation with Uncertainty USA, 2010
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This dataset provides estimates of the elevation of coastal wetlands relative to tidal ranges for the conterminous United States at 30 m resolution for 2010.
NASA Earthdata Article Highlights Methane Research
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NASA's AVIRIS-NG instrument detected multiple massive methane plumes in California and much more.
Updated Global Mangrove Distribution and Characteristics Dataset
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An update to a dataset that characterizes the global distribution, biomass, and canopy height of mangrove-forested wetlands based on remotely sensed and field measurements.
Forest Carbon as a Function of Last Disturbance for Conterminous USA
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This dataset provides estimates of forest carbon stocks and fluxes as a function of the number of years since the most recent disturbance for decadal benchmark years.
SiB4 Global Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Modeled Outputs for 3 Time Steps
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Global terrestrial model outputs predicted by the Simple Biosphere Model, Version 4.2 (SiB4), at a 0.5-degree spatial resolution, 2000-2018.
Predicted AGB Estimates for Six Selected US Tidal Marshes
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Aboveground tidal marsh biomass estimates for six estuarine regions of the conterminous United States.
Annual high-resolution estimates of Land Use and Cover from the Mawas research area, Indonesia
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Annual land use/cover (LUC) maps at 30 m resolution across Mawas, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Midwestern USA 2018 crop growing season Land Cover-Specific SIF
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Estimated solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) of specific vegetation types and total SIF available at 4-km resolution.
AGB Change for Amazon Basin, Mexico, and Pantropical Belt
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Gridded estimates of aboveground biomass (AGB) for live dry woody vegetation density between the years 2003 to 2016.