Tidal Wetlands Productivity for Conterminous US Based on Blue Carbon
Colombian Amazon Annual Land Cover Maps
New maps of land cover classes for the Colombian Amazon were derived from changes in surface reflectance.
Improved LiDAR-derived Biomass for Sonoma County, CA
A new dataset used a parametric modeling approach to estimate biomass from airborne LiDAR data and field measurements.
NASA Data Helps Researcher Understand Coastal Mangrove Forests
Dr. David Lagomasino uses NASA data to study how the Earth's landscape responds to changes caused by natural events and rapid urban expansion.
LiDAR Derived Aboveground Biomass for Northwestern USA Forests
Aboveground biomass was derived from forest inventory data and lidar imagery.
Comparative Soil Organic Carbon for Mexico and USA
Two sets of estimated soil organic carbon and uncertainties are available at a 250 m resolution.
Pinyon-Juniper Forest Aboveground Biomass
Maps of live tree biomass in pinyon-juniper forests are available for the years 2000-2016.
Soil Organic Carbon Estimates for Mexico
Estimates of soil organic carbon are now available from Mexico at a 90 meter resolution.
Forest Biomass Maps Derived from Disturbance History
Six Landsat focus sites were used to produce disturbance history and forest biomass maps.