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Estimated annual AGB density for live woody species in the ABoVE Core Study Domain from 1984-2014.
Predicted AGB Estimates for Six Selected US Tidal Marshes
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Aboveground tidal marsh biomass estimates for six estuarine regions of the conterminous United States.
Annual high-resolution estimates of Land Use and Cover from the Mawas research area, Indonesia
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Annual land use/cover (LUC) maps at 30 m resolution across Mawas, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Forest Change From Canopy Cover Loss from 1986-2010
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The North American Forest Dynamics Attribution product provides information depicting forest change across 258 million ha of the conterminous U.S.
Colombian Amazon Annual Land Cover Maps
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New maps of land cover classes for the Colombian Amazon were derived from changes in surface reflectance.
Explaining Vegetation Greening Trends in Yellowstone
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Daymet and North American Carbon Program (NACP) data were used to study Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) trends across the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.
Wildfire Burn Severity Across Alaska and Canada
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New data from NASA's ABoVE campaign provides a high-resolution record of differenced Normalized Burned Ratio (dNBR) for fires from 1985-2015.