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L1B orthocorrected, scaled radiance image files as well as files of observational geometry and illumination parameters and supporting sensor band information from the AVIRIS-Classic instrument.
ESA Conference Short Course on Cloud-Based Access to NASA Earthdata
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Are you going to the Ecological Society of America meeting? NASA's LP and ORNL DAAC's are hosting a short course on working with remote sensing data in the cloud using open source software.
CMS: SIF and Vegetation Indices in the US, 2016-2021
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Half-hourly ground SIF and vegetation indices including NDVI, EVI, red edge chlorophyll index, green chlorophyll index, and photochemical reflectance index at seven crop sites in Nebraska and Illinois.
AVIRIS Facility Instruments: Flight Line Geospatial and Contextual Data
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Attributed geospatial and tabular information for identifying and querying flight lines of interest for the AVIRIS-C and AVIRIS-NG Facility Instruments.
NACP: Forest Disturbance Intensity for CONUS, 1986-2015
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Estimates of forest disturbance intensity for the conterminous United States from 1986 to 2015.
AVIRIS-NG L1B Calibrated Radiance, Facility Instrument Collection, V1
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L1B orthocorrected, scaled radiance image files as well as files of observational geometry and illumination parameters and supporting sensor band information from the AVIRIS-NG instrument.
In-situ Water Surface Elevation, MRD, Louisiana, USA, 2021
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Water surface elevations collected from boat surveys performed on August 24 and September 22-25, 2021, across the Atchafalaya and Terrebonne basins in the Mississippi River Delta floodplain.
AVIRIS-NG L3 Derived Aboveground Biomass, LA, USA, 2021, V2
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High-resolution gridded estimates of herbaceous aboveground biomass (AGB) for the Atchafalaya and Terrebonne basins of the Mississippi River Delta.
Hourly Soil Moisture Logger Data, Alberta and Alaska, 2017-2021
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Hourly in-situ soil moisture measurements from data loggers in predominantly organic soils along the Sag River and near Red Earth Creek.
Delta-X: Bed and Suspended Sediment Grain Size, MRD, LA, USA, 2021, Version 2
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Sediment concentration and grain size distribution measurements from suspended and bed sediment samples collected as part of the Delta-X Spring and Fall 2021 campaigns.