NASA Disaster Assessment Webinar Series
ARSET - Disaster Assessment Using Synthetic Aperture Radar webinar banner.
2022 ASCI Survey closed, Thanks for your feedback
The Claes Fornell International (CFI) Group has concluded feedback solicitation on behalf of NASA for EOSDIS DAACs to determine customer satisfaction in 2022.
Aboveground Vegetation Structure for Herbaceous Wetlands across MRD
Aboveground vegetation sorted by species into biomass and necromass components.
Post-Fire and Unburned Vegetation Community & Field Data, NWT, Canada, 2017
Researchers collecting data on vegetation and biophysical characteristics at a study site in Northwest Territories of Canada that was burned by wildfires in 2014-2015.
ABoVE: Burned Area, Depth, and Combustion, 2001-2019
Total burned area (a), total carbon emissions (b), mean combustion (c), and mean burn depth (d) between 2001-2019 aggregated to a 70 km grid. Note that burned area (a) covers all of Alaska and Canada whereas all other metrics cover the ABoVE extended domain.
Access to Daymet Monthly Latency Dataset Restored
Maximum Temperature from Daymet Version 4 Monthly Latency: Daily Surface Weather Data on March 31, 2021 was produced in April of 2021.
ABoVE: Wetland Vegetation Classification, Canada, 2019
The wetland vegetation community classification for the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Alberta, Canada created from AVIRIS-NG derived features.
MASTER: SARP Campaigns from 2009 to 2018, California, USA
RGB composite MASTER image from data collected during the SARP campaign over Pyramid Lake, California, USA on 2009-07-24. Image derived from bands 12, 10, 9 spanning visible to near-infrared wavelengths.
MASTER: HyspIRI Airborne Campaign
Single band images and an RGB composite image from flight track 1 acquired on 26 March 2013 over Mono Lake, California, U.S. Source: /MASTERL1B_1393500_01_20130326_1728_1733_V01.jpg from dataset MASTER: HyspIRI Airborne Campaign, California, Early Spring 2013.